Time is a Mother

This post first appeared on Instagram:

The funny thing about The Work is you can only spend so much time on the purview of things until practice and integration are required.

I find the most gratitude and pleasure in the process; meeting “life’s moments” with self-awareness, self-compassion, and most of all self-love.

And life sure does have its moments. Moments that bring immense gratitude and grief. Moments of deep reckoning and rumbling. Moments of triumph and loss.

I committed the last three years to an all-out rescue mission of Self, pulling away from all that wasn’t grounded in truth or kindness for me and allowing myself to move into what feels good and right.

And, at long last, I feel like all of that self-preservation has led to a little something. A little more calm. A little more clarity. And a whole lot more certainty and peace.

I have a lot more thoughts and a lot more I want to share. And, I’m looking forward to doing so, eventually. But, for now, here’s a photo dump with zero additional context.

Follow @EricMichaelCreates on Instagram